有趣的空間。Discovery 之前也介紹一間設置於沙漠的渡假小屋,利用各種節能方式讓整個建築自給自足,加上大量穿透的玻璃設置(遮陽部分有特別處理的方式),整個房子從早到晚有著不同的表情,創意令人印象深刻。
而至於,要如何進到下面這間屋子裡面;也許,你需要找土撥鼠問問看有沒有back door了
Alternate Dimensions Down Under
Is it a bottle in front of me, or a frontal lobotomy? Anyway you look at this mind blowing wonder of math and the space-time continuum, the Klein Bottle House by architects McBride Charles Ryan, is stunning. For us right-brain thinkers; in Mathematics, the “Klein Bottle” is a non-orientable surface, i.e., a surface (a two-dimensionaltopological space) with no distinction between the “inside” and “outside” surfaces. That being said and hopefully understood, this vacation home located just a few clicks outside Melbourne, Australia beautifully reflects a deep desire to mess with both sides of our brains. By constantly challenging our sense of perception, depth, linear orientation, interior/exterior space and pretty much any notion of what a dwelling should look like, the architects have successfully created a space that is surprisingly inviting and warm. Now can someone please show me to the door?
Architect: McBride Charles Ryan [ Photo by John Gollings ]