追風箏的女孩 肯妮貝兒Corinne Bailey Rae


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引述自陽光bossa SP

追風箏的女孩 肯妮貝兒Corinne Bailey Rae

「心煩意亂的黃梅季節,聽著肯妮貝兒Corinne Bailey Rae的專輯,頓然如沐清泉般沁涼舒暢。
點一首歌Put Your Records On
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肯妮貝兒Corinne Bailey Rae〈點一首歌Put Your Records On〉中英歌詞
three little birds sat on my window 窗邊飛來 了三隻小雀
and they told me i don't need to worry 它們似乎告訴我要好好放輕鬆
summer came like cinnamon, so sweet. 夏天的味道像肉桂香般  如此甜美
little girls double-dutch on the concrete 看著大街上女孩們開心的玩著跳繩
maybe sometimes, 也許   有時候
we've got it wrong but it's alright.  做自己其實也沒什麼不好ㄚ
the more things seem to change,  物換星移
the more they stay the same.  但舊愛還是最美
ooo, don’t you hesitate.  好啦  別再胡思亂想了
girl put your records on,  女孩 點一首歌吧
tell me your favourite song. 告訴我妳最愛哪一首歌
you go ahead let your hair down. 讓自己心情隨風飛揚吧
sapphire and faded jeans, 穿上妳最愛的褪色牛仔褲
i hope you get your dreams.  祝妳美夢 成真
just go ahead let your hair down.  讓心像風箏般隨風飛
you're going to find yourself somewhere, somehow.  學會多愛自己一點吧
blue as the sky, 藍藍 的天空
sunburnt and lonely, 寂靜午後的暖暖陽光
sipping tea in a bar by the roadside.  在路邊啜著茶
just relax, just relax. 讓心像風箏般隨風飛吧
don't you let those other boys fool you. 再也別聽那些男孩們胡說八道
got to love that afro hair do. 要學會愛上妳那純真可愛的黑人頭
maybe sometimes, 也許   有時候
we feel afraid but its alright. 你會覺得自己與眾不同 但那又如何呢?
the more you stay the same, 妳愈忠於自我
the more they seem to change.  大夥愈對你刮目相看
don't you think its strange? 妳不覺得這很奇怪嗎?
girl put your records on, 女孩 點一首歌吧
tell me your favourite song. 告訴我妳最愛哪一首歌
you go ahead let your hair down. 讓心像風箏般隨風飛吧
sapphire and faded jeans, 穿上妳最愛的褪色牛仔褲
i hope you get your dreams. 祝妳美夢 成真
just go ahead let your hair down. 讓心像風箏般隨風飛吧
you're going to find yourself somewhere, somehow. 學會多愛自己一點
'twas more than i could take. 我也曾和你一樣
pity for pity's sake. 也曾自哀自憐
some nights kept me awake. 也曾痛苦失眠
i thought that i was stronger. 我想那讓我變得更堅強
when you going to realise 妳何時才會想通呢?
that you don't even have to try any longer? 別再苦苦掙扎
do what you want to. 勇敢的做自己 做你想做的吧
girl put your records on ... 女孩 為自己 點首妳最愛的歌吧 ... 
 好星情Like a star
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肯妮貝兒Corinne Bailey Rae (好星情Like a star) 中英歌詞
just like a star across my sky, 流星像風箏般劃過天際
just like an angel off the page, 你像書中走出的精靈
you have appeared to my life, 守護著我
feel like i’ll never be the same. 從那刻起  生命終將出現奇蹟
just like a song in my heart, 愛的樂音在心中響起
just like oil on my hands, 撫慰我流淚手心
honour to love you. 我是這樣的愛你

still i wonder why it is, 反覆思索
i don’t argue like this 反覆問自己
with anyone but you. 為何那麼在乎你
we do it all the time, 這就是愛的魔力
blowing out my mind. 讓我神魂顛倒

you’ve got this look i can’t describe, 你難以言喻的身影容顏
you make me feel i’m alive, 讓我魂縈夢繫
when everything else is au fait, 就算失去一切
without a doubt you’re on my side. 我確信你會 一直在我身旁守候
heaven has been away too long, 幸福天堂懸在風箏的那端
can’t find the words to write this song of your love. 愛說不出口 我只好寫這首歌給你 

still i wonder why it is, 反覆思索
i don’t argue like this  反覆問自己
with anyone but you. 為何在乎你的一切
we do it all the time, 這就是愛的魔力
blowing out my mind.  讓我神魂顛倒

now i have come to understand the way it is 愛、就是你
its not a secret anymore, 絕、不掩飾
‘cause we’ve been through that before. 愛的軌跡點點滴滴
from tonight i know that you’re the only one. 從今以後你是我的最愛
i’ve been confused and in the dark, 走出迷失徬徨無助的我
now i understand.  終於明白 你就是唯一

i wonder why it is,  反覆思索
i don’t argue like this 反覆問自己
with anyone but you. 為何在乎你的一切
i wonder why it is, 反覆思索
i won’t let my guard down 為何對你
to anyone but you. 無力抗拒
we do it all the time, 這就是愛的魔力
blowing out my mind  讓我神魂顛倒

just like a star across my sky, 流星像風箏般劃過天際
just like an angel off the page, 你像書中走出的精靈
you have appeared to my life, 守護著我  
feel like i’ll never be the same. 從那刻起  生命終將出現奇蹟
just like a song in my heart, 愛的樂音在心中響起
just like oil on my hands 撫慰我流淚手心

輾轉難眠Trouble Sleeping

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肯妮貝兒Corinne Bailey Rae (輾轉難眠Trouble Sleeping) 中英歌詞

it’s late and i’m feeling so tired 夜已深 我已倦
having trouble sleeping 輾轉難眠
this constant compromise 徘徊在一次又一次的
between thinking and breathing 反覆思緒和呼吸間
could it be i’m suffering 這就是對我的折磨吧 
because i’ll never give in? 就因為我不願放棄
won’t say that i’m falling in love 不願承認自己愛妳
tell me i don’t seem myself 告訴我 我一點都不像自己
couldn’t i blame something else? 我可以怪誰怨誰嗎?
just don’t say i’m falling in love 但請別說我已愛上你

some kind of therapy is all i need 我只要一個解脫的方法
please believe me 請相信我
some instant remedy 只要一個快速良方
that can cure me completely 讓我徹底痊癒

could it be i’m suffering 這就是對我的折磨吧 
because i’ll never give in? 就因為我不願放棄
won’t say that i’m falling in love 不願承認自己愛妳
tell me i don’t seem myself 告訴我 我一點都不像自己
couldn’t i blame something else? 我可以怪誰怨誰嗎?
just don’t say i’m falling in love 但請別說我已愛上你   

ooo 嗚
cause i’ve been there before 因為我經歷過 
and it’s not enough 這樣還是不夠
so nobody say, don’t even say it 所以請別說 誰都別說
i’ve got my eyes shut 我緊閉雙眼 
won’t look, oh, no i’m not in love 我不要看清 喔不 我沒有愛上你  

could it be i’m suffering... 這就是對我的折磨吧 

don’t say that i’m falling in love... 請別說我已愛上你

3 則留言:

  1. To:Corant呵呵,真的To:婷她的努力是有目共睹的

  2. 好東西不嫌久,反而越沈越香~

  3. jolin已经成为过去式了~
    她挺独立的 我还满欣赏她的呢
